After spending 30 minutes reading this book my head was spinning. It turns out I'm going to have to spend an additional $200 to buy the tools necessary to finish this project, not to mention a month to build the moulds, jig, and stator (whatever that is). To it's credit the ebook is comprehensive with lots of drawings and some photos to help you along. The only problem is every idea is new to me, I'm going to have to carefully read each page and explanation to make sure I'm doing everything right.
I wish there was a video series to accompany the ebook, I searched all over Youbube for such a video but all I found were bogus videos that had nothing to do with the generator I'm trying to build. I suppose if I make a run at making this thing I should also document the effort with a short video for the geeks after me who find themselves with the same curiosity about Nikola Tesla's fabulous invention.