The big question is how many more iPads will be sold this year over last. I think with improvements over processor and GPU speed I think the second generation will be an even bigger hit than the first. Other enhancements to Garage Band and iMovie look to be even more impressive than ever before. I'm curious enough to walk into the local Apple store just to check out those two apps alone.
I am totally put off with the $40 cover. How could this cover possible be worth this much money. Anyone who would buy this expensive cover is a fool, wait a couple of weeks until other manufacturers build their own magic cover models for a fraction of the price.
There is no doubt I would like to have one of these tablet wonders, but am I willing to part with at least $500 to have one? I'll have to weigh the positives and negatives:
Positives - Video editing. I love the fact that Apple put some horsepower behind the iPad2. Hopefully it is enough to edit video from my Canon 7D. I don't see myself using the cheesy built-in camera, I would likely import my footage from outside sources.
Surfing the Web. I think it would be great to share the web with the family, to be able to pass it along as we see cool photos, videos, and articles.
Photos - Just like the web I love the idea of sharing a photo by handing it to someone. The iPad makes sharing albums easy and intuitive.
Lots of Apps - Everyone knows about them, no need to go on about it.
Now the negatives- No Flash. This is still a sticky point and makes me look at Honeycomb based tablets. I use lots of Flash on websites I maintain as well as several other websites I visit throughout the day.
Not enough disk space. The biggest hard drive available is 64 gigabytes, that will not be enough space if I'm going to import video from my Canon 7D. I'll have to import video, edit, export, then delete the raw footage. That would get annoying quickly.
Apps, not applications. I said earlier that apps were one of the positives, but it is also a negative. I wish the iPad would run mac applications as well as apps
Well there is the short list of the iPad's good and bad points according to me. Will I buy it? Maybe after tax season and I find myself with a spare $500 and I find out it will edit my Canon 7D footage. If it won't edit the footage then I'll be happy with a first generation iPad for around $250 (I heard Gazelle.com is snatching them up like crazy).
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