
Monday, March 29, 2010

My iPad Predictions

As we get closer to the release of the iPad, I thought I'd go on record with my predictions as to the impact of this highly anticipated Apple product. First, I think the iPad will be a success. I believe Apple will reach their benchmarks and celebrate the iPad's first year. Small crowds will form around those lucky few with the device while showing off the thousands of apps already available for it. This will truly be Apple's day in the sun and they deserve it.

Unfortunately Apple is going to have to work to keep their market share in the niche category they created. Coming out soon is the Joo Joo, a similar device scheduled to ship later this month. I'm not sure of the price, but the rest of the specs look to strike directly at the iPad with many of the same features. I would also bet Google is working on their version of the iPad that would work with their upcoming OS (Chrome) and leverage their own app store for their Nexus One phone.

In the end the winner will be the consumer. With so much competition it will be interesting to see who comes out ahead in the next couple of years. As far as I can see, it looks to shake out like the cell phone wars with Apple becoming the leader everyone chases.

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